Friday, August 6, 2010


car wreck miracle

"In 1975, on September5, My dad came home from work and told my mother we were going to the grocery store. I recall, I didnt want to go. Well, I did anyway. I was five years old at the time.On the way home,we were turning left and a man that was drunk, hit our car. My mom was knocked out, and my dad was an alcoholic at the time.For some reason he hadnt had any alcohol that day.Well, I was knocked on the floor board of the car. I got my legs, ribs, and jaw broken in three places each. I also suffered a skull fracture, my right ear was just hanging by a little skin, and was pretty much given by doctors up for dead. My miracles are, Im alive and well, and my dad got saved two days later, went home from church and emptied out all his alcoholic beverages and got baptized that night. My mom came home from the hospital and gave up smoking cigarettes.Praise God for his wonderful acts of mercy and grace. I am in a good Pentecostal Holiness church and love the Lord.Praise his Holy name."

Healed of Sickle Cell

"I started having terible pains from the age of six. My parent took me for test and it was discovered based on the genotype test that I was having Sickle cell. I battled with this for close to twenty years. I gave my life to Christ very early in life and I have been seeking the face of God to take this terrible pain away. I started reading faith books by Keneth E. Hagin (Beloved Memory) and I had faith that God is able to heal me. God did it, he took the pain away, I no longer depend on drugs and I am totally free. Since then God has given me a ministry of healing to other people in this situation to open their eyes to their inheritance in Christ."


"My dear brothers and sisters-in-Christ, God is good and praise Him!! For 17 years i was spiritually blinded and in bondage. Now the Lord has healed me and i am a much happier person now. Nothing is imposssible with GOD!! For those who are undergoing through some form of spiritual "retardation", be not disheartened, offer yourself to the Lord, lift up all your sufferings and pains to Him, allow and invite Him to come into your life and let Him take control of your every situations, He will surely heal you. I was a total "spiritual handicap" but He healed me of my depression which i drifted in and out for all these 17 years. I survived today through His mercies and graces. "Do not be afraid nor be dismayed....Joshua 1:9""

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